2009年4月17日 星期五


Recently,my mood was bad....
yesterday i cried at class...
i love all my frens...
thx for care for me...
but it's so sorry for worry me....><
i dunno why my tears was coming out from my eyes...
when i saw quek ><...
look like many things wan to share wif her...
but i dun dare to say to her...
juz becoz i dunwn all my frens worried about me...
at last...
i said the truth to my frenzz...
they didint said anythings...
but i noe they alls worried about me....
i felt sorry for them TT...
i noe u still angry me...
but i noe it's my wrong...
sorry for make u angry...
i hope i will FREN wif u again...

4 個意見:

Blogger Pinky Quek 提到...

next time, you can tell me ur problems..
maybe i can help you~^^
i will always be ur side~

2009年4月21日 凌晨3:28  
Blogger JJ 提到...

gan dong TT....like u 4ever ><

2009年4月22日 清晨7:16  
Blogger Unknown 提到...

Y u Cry Oo?
Also Call mE lA , if i can hElp
I surE wIll Help u de~

2009年6月23日 凌晨4:48  
Blogger  提到...



always B wit eU///

less ><

2009年11月15日 上午9:22  


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